Coming Home to the Body: A Program Centering on Sexuality, Body Image, and Transformation Within

Are you curious how to live in peace and with ease in your body? Are you ready to explore what embodied pleasure means?


"Coming Home to the Body" is a coaching program that focuses on helping individuals explore and transform their relationship with their body, sexuality, and self-image. The program is designed to support individuals in reconnecting with their bodies, rediscovering their sexuality, and building a more positive self-image.

The program typically involves one-on-one coaching sessions with a trained coach. During these sessions, the coach may help the individual to:

  • Explore their body image and self-esteem, and identify any negative patterns or beliefs that may be impacting their relationship with their body and sexuality

  • Identify any physical or emotional blocks that may be preventing them from fully experiencing pleasure and intimacy

  • Develop strategies for self-care and self-love that promote positive body image and a healthy relationship with sexuality

  • Address any past traumas or negative experiences related to sexuality or body image, and work towards healing and transformation

  • Develop skills and techniques for improving communication and intimacy in relationships

  • Explore and celebrate their own unique expression of sexuality and sensuality

In addition to one-on-one coaching sessions, the "Coming Home to the Body" program may also include group workshops, online resources, and community support. These programs are typically designed to be flexible and tailored to the needs of each individual, so the length and frequency of coaching sessions may vary depending on the individual's needs.

The "Coming Home to the Body" coaching program can be beneficial for individuals who are looking to improve their relationship with their body and sexuality, address past traumas or negative experiences, and build a more positive self-image. However, it's important to note that this type of coaching is not a substitute for therapy or medical care for mental health issues. Individuals should consult with a qualified coach or therapist before beginning a "Coming Home to the Body" coaching program.

This is an intensive program that has been developed to focus on working deeply with your somatic self relationship in one-on-one sessions with Dr. Denise. She utilizes coaching techniques, her sexuality mapping program to help create space for deeper healing to occur in a time-limited container. This has been designed for individuals located anywhere around the world. While the structure of the program is well developed, there is a co-creation aspect that occurs between Dr. Denise and the client so the program can be tailored to meet individualized needs.

Module 1: Welcome to your body, welcome home

  • Discuss more in-depth what your relationship with your body has been, your relationship with food, and your family history body image and self love.

  • Sexuality Mapping is so that you can see how engaging with it can help increase your understanding of where you’ve been, where you are currently, and where you’d like to go.

  • Exploring through right and left brained techniques to focus on early life, family, religion and sociocultural influences on sexuality, sexual expression and “rules” so that you can begin to let go of what is not working and salvage any messages that are supporting you in a sex positive way. 

  • Explorations of the meaning that the body has had for you in your life are explored.

  • Setting goals for the work together during this time so that you will have accountability and support as deeper feeling, thoughts, body sensations and possible trauma rising to the surface to be healed. 


Module 2: Mapping the Later Teens and Twenties

  • Reflect on messages you may have learned and internalized from peers and society so that you can understand your psyche and approach to, your own body, relationships and sex 

  • Explore feelings and messages about masturbation, sexual orientation, and how to interact with others you were romantically and/or sexually attracted to so that you can let go of outdated messages and gain a deeper understanding of how you arrived where you are now, with compassion. 

  • Review and delve deeper into messages that your caregivers had about their own bodies, sexuality, and intimacy expression so that you can start to differentiate yourself and liberate your body mind


Module 3: Mapping the Adult 

  • Exploring through embodiment exercises what form your adult sexuality has taken so that you can assess where you are and what you may want to adjust to increase pleasure 

  • Learn specific mindfulness techniques so that you can be more present in your body 

  • Develop a plan so that you can continue to let your learning and developing of you unfold and deepen 


  • Virtual meetings over ZOOM

  • Half day sacred intensive(s)

  • Program assignments in between with a focus around your psychedelic experience, embodiment, the messages you may have received, synthesizing, making a plan sustained transformation. 

  • Audio guided meditation recommendations

  • Email contact in between meetings as needed and within reason


3, 6, 9, 12 month options available


About Dr. Denise Renye

Dr. Denise holds a Masters degrees in Human Sexuality from Widener University (Philadelphia), one of two accredited scholastic programs in human sexuality located in the US.  She is certified as a sexologist through the American College of Sexologists and has studied and taught specifically in topics of sexology in India, the Netherlands and Italy as well as domestically. She works with couples, individuals and groups around the topics of sexuality, sensuality and mystical experiences.